NO! WORRIES (a process of accepting and cherishing imperfection)

14x18.5cm, 64pp

NO! WORRIES is about the process of accepting the inevitable reality of imperfection, revealing the ambiguous nature of a perfectionist mindset as well as the epiphany of escaping this exact vicious cycle. Through the metaphor of inaccurately folded origami figures, it examines a personal metamorphosis from frustration and self-doubting thoughts to the serenity in both the acceptance and the embracement of these apparent mistakes. This change in perception is especially reasoned in the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi, which is continuously referred throughout the entire work from its first pages, over an informational research to the epilogue consisting of multiple citations taken from different books about the ideology. 
These contrary principles, this staggering between the reduced clarity of perfectionism and the relaxation in accepting the existence of imperfections is also exhibited within the work itself, its clear structures and minimalist aesthetic constantly being confronted with openly displayed flaws, either accidentally or on purpose.


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